Monday, September 14, 2009

Question the Second

In Christian mythology, the snake takes on the image of Satan, the Tempter, when it convinces Eve and Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Interestingly, snakes take on similar roles in other mythologies, but are revered as initiators of change and symbols of awakening. What implications, if any, do these disparate views have for the core principals of Judaic and non-Judaic spirituality? What relationship does the biblical allegory have to Western naturalism? Humanism? Discuss.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Question: The First

Okay, so to get things started up, I'm proposing a "would you rather" that has just come to mind here at nerd camp (I'm studying US History so economics has wormed it's way into my head).

Would you rather have Government control Industry, or Industry control Government? Discuss.